After repairing alveoli, patients finally get rid of COPD and other 9 supposedly "incurable" diseases!

The famous American pulmonologist told a simple method
Cheryl Ellington

Dr. Barbara O'Neill is an American pulmonologist and professor. She is known for treating people without pills. At the same time, each of her patients gets well again. Besides famous patients from US, she also gets visits from patients from EU countries too.

Dr. Barbara O'Neill rarely gives interviews and tries to give more time to her patients. However, the correspondent of our station was lucky - the well-known doctor agreed to answer several questions for those patients who do not have the opportunity to register at her clinic.

Dr. Barbara O'Neill IS SURE THAT ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE CAN REPAIR THEIR OWN ALVEOLI AND IN THIS WAY IMPROVE THEIR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Such repairation helps to get rid of lung damage and cure 9 chronic diseases.

How to repair alveoli, the doctor has described in the following. In addition, today's article will address the following topics:

  • To become 120 years old without tablets is possible!
  • Why dirty lung lead to chronic incurable diseases
  • Hidden and obvious signs of dirty lung

Dirty lung - a terrible killer!

Dr. Barbara O'Neill:

- I will give you some information that I hope will make you think!

The most common cause of death is LUNG CANCER, and the main cause of its occurrence is NICOTINE. It’s the most dangerous substance in the world. This substance kills more people than alcohol and drugs combined.

In 94% of cases, nicotine causes death in people under the age of 70.

Nicotine destroys health. If it did not irritate our lungs, we would all easily live to be 120 years old.

What is nicotine like and what is it? I will not describe this substance here because it is described in medical textbooks. Some people may think that nicotine is not a big problem, but the consequences of nicotine on the airways are terrible. I will describe everything in simple words. Imagine a drain pipe that corroded by rust for years.

This substance enters the alveolar cells. At first, a small piece (20-25 years old) is stimulated, and then a larger and larger area of the lung is affected (25-40 years old), and the alveolar walls gradually become weaker and the elastic fibers deteriorate, consequently, at the age of 40 years, nicotine deactivates the alveoli by almost half. But even that is not so dangerous!

It is much more dangerous that nicotine stimulates the nerves, causing bronchoconstriction and emphysema. Pathological processes occur in internal organs, which in turn lead to chronic diseases

First there is emphysema, then there is chronic bronchitis, and some time later there is also stenosis of the bronchi. What usually leads to a drastic deterioration of human health. Most often this process is triggered by nicotine.

Lungs affected by nicotine. COPD patients over 10 years, large areas of lung cells are deactivated!

It depends on the condition of the bronchial walls in the body. Shortness of breath occurs when the walls of the bronchial tubes lose their elasticity and are difficult to contract and expand. As the inflammation worsens, more phlegm is produced in the lungs. This can lead to blockage of blood vessels and even cause insufficient blood supply to the heart.

You can't avoid airway obstruction! Of all things, nicotine triggers a chain reaction of physical aging. In short, the loss of elasticity of the airways can shorten a person's lifespan.

NICOTINE, OF ALL THINGS, TRIGGERS A CHAIN REACTION OF AGING IN THE BODY. Of all things, airway obstruction shortens a person's life.

Instead of 120 years (that's what human body organs are designed for), some don't even live past 70! Especially people who already have COPD at the age of 40-50. By the way, this is one of the most obvious symptoms of the loss of elasticity of the bronchial walls.

Nicotine is not the only reason - These substances also destroy your lung cells!

Dr. Barbara O'Neill:

Nicotine - is not so bad yet. There are other substances that hurt your lung!

Terrible air environment

People can also develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when air pollution levels are too high or when exposed for too long, e.g. long-term exposure to chemical fumes, vapors and dusts in the workplace can irritate and inflame your lungs. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere damage airway mucosa and cells, and mucus secretion increases, increasing conditions for bacterial infection.

The older a person is, the higher the risk of COPD. This is why older people often die from lung infections and heart disease.

Viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma

Viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma are important factors in the acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The virus is mainly influenza virus, and the bacterial infection is more common with Streptococcus pneumoniae.

By the age of 50, cells throughout the lung become inflammed and destroyed. The more deactivated the cells are, the more chronic diseases you have and the faster the aging processes run!

Check yourself! How worse are your lung cells and how high is the risk of an early death!

Dr. Barbara O'Neill:

If you have never reduced inflammation and you are older than 50, you definitely have stiff airways. As soon as you eliminate inflammation, YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY FEEL AN EFFECT.

Symptoms of COPD:

  • Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Chronic cough, which may produce clear, white, yellow, or green mucus (sputum)
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Lack of energy
  • Unintended weight loss (late stage)
  • Swelling of the ankle, foot, or leg
  • Respiratory infection
  • Heart problems
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Depression

You claim that reducing lung inflammation can prolong the life of the elderly and increase lung activity?

Dr. Barbara O'Neill:

- I know. We currently always prescribe lung inflammation elimination for all patients over the age of 50 (some over 40). Only after the bronchial inflammation has cleared up can we see what we can do next. About 9 out of 10 people are undergoing inflammation elimination and the airway returns to normal, requiring no further treatment.

In other words, you no longer have to rely on herbs to keep your lungs healthy. All you have to do is remove the inflammation and allow the trachea wall to regain its elasticity with stimulate cells regeneration . Even if the elasticity of the airway wall doesn't fully return to normal (which sometimes happens), you will still feel better.

Unfortunately, this simple method of normalizing the trachea is hidden by corrupt doctors and pharmaceutical companies, for whom long-term treatment and costing a lot of money are beneficial. Because the longer a person is sick, the more money he spends on medication. Eliminating inflammation is simple, inexpensive, and can get people back on their feet quickly.

American pensioner was cured of COPD by reducing lung inflammation and stimulating cell regeneration. And there are a lot of people like that...

I would like to show you a letter from American pensioner Heidi Farmer. Doctors at a local clinic have told her that she already does not have long to live. But her relatives continued to fight for her. The old woman could not visit us in person. Her daughter called our clinic and asked us for help. At the same time, I cannot even make a diagnosis in this way. We simply recommended her to reduce inflammation in the bronchi.

3 months later, the woman has already written to us herself! I would like to show you her letter.

Heidi Farmer, 75 years old. American pensioner who suffers from COPD and many other diseases. She comes from Schwaz.

"Thank you so much for giving me LIFE. When my daughter wrote to you, I was almost unconscious. I had trouble breathing even with the help of pills. I was not even admitted to the hospital, my daughter was told to prepare a place for me in the cemetery already. However, my daughter decided to call you. Then she started giving me the medicine you prescribed. Fortunately, the disease disappeared again. Meanwhile, my lung has completely normalized. Last week I even went to the hospital to get tested. I was told that I am quite healthy for my age. And a few months ago I already had one foot in the grave. Hope I have a few more years ahead of me. Thank you very much for your help and saving me".

SUCH A MIRACLE CAN HAPPEN AFTER LUNG INFLAMMATION ELIMINATES. Although it is not a miracle at all - it can all be explained.

Method of eliminating lung inflammation for seniors and COPD patients.

Dr. Barbara O'Neill:

- Today, there is only one drug in US that does this job well. It is called Earth Essence. This drug was developed in 2015 by the American Institute of Health and contains about 40 active ingredients - extracts from plants useful for lung cells, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

The most important component of "Earth Essence" are the so-called "ACTIVE ACID MOLECULES" - they are able to eliminate cellular inflammation and restore cell wall elasticity, allowing it to expand and contract normally。

The "active oxygen molecules" were discovered by Japanese scientists as recently as 2007. Two Japanese scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for their research in this field. Today, "active oxygen molecules" are actively used in world medicine.

Japanese began to pay more and more attention to the health of the lungs after the age of 40 as late as 1965, when the National Health and Longevity Program was adopted. Restoring the elasticity of the airways plays an important role in this law. And today we see the result of such a decision. Today Japan is a country with the highest life expectancy. 100 years is not a challenge for Japanese people at all. And if they used to get rid of lung inflammation with herbs, sports and yoga, now they use special medicines based on active oxygen molecules.

How long do you have to take Earth Essence to eliminate lung inflammation?

On average, the course of intake is 2-4 weeks. However, this is all purely individual and depends on the well-being.

This is what Earth Essence does to your body during, as well as a few months after, reducing lung inflammation.

Eliminates inflammation

Due to the "active oxygen molecules" in Earth Essence dissolves inflammed lung cells. Thanks to cannabidiol, the drug also repair thickened lung tissue after diminishing inflammation, or thickened bronchi, allowing air to be transported out of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. After a monthly intake, research data show that the lung become as powerful and elastic as in young people aged 25 to 30. There is a restoration of small capillaries, no more daily cough and mucus (phlegm) production. This, in turn, leads to normalization of blood pressure, disappearance of weakness, drowsiness and diseases. Also, you get much more strength and energy.

Restores the elasticity of the airway

Ginkgo biloba extract in Earth Essence restores the elasticity of the airways to allow them to expand and contract normally. Then you will not have difficulty exhaling and inhaling, and the air will no longer be blocked. Even doing outdoor activities, such as running, doesn't make it easy to feel short of breath.

Restores alveoli

After the bronchial inflammation is eliminated, the alveoli can also be repaired. "active oxygen molecules" promote cell regeneration, and alveoli damaged by irritating gases and particulate matter can be quickly repaired. As a result, many diseases disappeared. For example, symptoms of severe respiratory distress go away. Healthy alveoli help fight diseases like emphysema.

Restores internal organs

After the lungs are functioning normally, the rest of the body's internal organs can also recover. After the airway regains its elasticity and air delivery is no longer obstructed, blood can flow normally in the blood vessels. As a result, diseases such as pulmonary hypertension disappear, and the burden on the heart also dissipates. In addition, the legs and feet no longer feel swollen, and the mobility of the joints gets improved.

Restores potency in men!

One of the amazing consequences of cells repairation is that in men the hormone testosterone is produced again. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma disappear. In addition, the potency is also increased. So if you are under 70, you can have sex again.

Butterfly effect for elderly and COPD patients

The action of Earth Essence resembles a stroke of the butterfly wing, which causes a chain reaction to improve the internal organs and well-being. Starting with the normalization of lung and ending with the restoration of vision and joints.

1-3 months after eliminating lung inflammation - it's like a rebirth. At the same time, patients feel noticeable improvements every week.

Light awakening

You will wake up in the morning and get out of bed easily - you won't have to force yourself to do that anymore. You will be full of energy and strength.

Excellent well-being and mood

From morning and for the whole day. You can sleep well again. Feel young again. You don't need to go to the toilet all the time at night and you don't have pain anymore.

Delicious breakfast

Your menu will expand. You will no longer need to go on strict diets. If you eat something wrong, you will no longer have heartburn.

Giant power

When you leave the house, you will no longer have to worry about your legs. You will no longer perceive walking as a burden and your legs will no longer get tired or swell. No more shortness of breath and no more headaches. You will even be able to work in the garden.

Absolute silence

You will be calm and relaxed again. You will no longer have constant pain and will now have the opportunity to think about something else. When nothing hurts, familiar things, sounds and smells will play with new, long forgotten colors.

You start to see perfectly

Even severely damaged vision gradually begins to improve. Everything you used to see will seem much clearer to them. You will be able to see bus number again and admire nature.

And now the most important thing - YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT TABLETS. Forget about medications that lower blood pressure. This will be a thing of the past as blood pressure will stop fluctuating!

Shortage of Earth Essence in American pharmacies!

As far as we know, it is extremely difficult to buy Earth Essence in pharmacies. This drug is rarely available. Is it so? And what can you recommend to American citizens?

- Yes, that is indeed the case. Earth Essence is produced in limited quantities and thus simply did not reach pharmacies. Most of it is unfortunately sold abroad and some is bought up by private clinics.

Therefore, ordinary people find it really difficult to purchase Earth Essence. CURRENTLY THIS DRUG CAN BE PURCHASED IN OUR CLINIC. For this purpose, you can leave a request on our website. We have decided to sell a small amount of this medicine through our website. Since it is a small amount, it is not enough for everyone. It is enough for those who leave a request first.

Earth Essence Order Terms:

  • You must be located in US. We do not ship Earth Essence abroad.
  • Earth Essence must be ordered exclusively for personal use. I ask all dealers to leave the drug to ordinary people! Robbing elderly people is inhumane!
  • You can order Earth Essence on the official website

To participate in our program, you must click on the "Spin" button under the drum with discounts. Depending on what you get, you can get Earth Essence with a discount. You can spin the drum only once.

Take this chance until others do!

As mentioned above, unfortunately we do not have this medication available in sufficient quantities for all COPD patients and elderly people in US. For this reason, we have decided to make it available to those who place an order on the website faster than others. So if you want to improve the health of your body and repair your lung with the help of a through eliminating of lung inflammation, I recommend you to order the product as soon as possible - while it is still available!

Attention. Earth Essence runs out quickly!

The number of available packages is decreasing rapidly!

Is currently available:

12 piece


EDITOR’S NOTE: For a limited time, the Official Suppliers o Earth Essence ™ have agreed to offer a 40% OFF Sale - plus Get 2 FREE Bottles and free shipping to our readers. 

As of There Are Less Than 25 Exclusive, Limited Time 40% Discount!


Cornelia Galbraith 02.06.2024
Thank you so much for giving retirees such a wonderful opportunity! I also took Earth Essence because I had terribly COPD. Now I feel better . Also used to have knee pain and headaches all the time. Now they are gone! Also the bitter taste in my mouth is gone. I feel much younger!
Tiller Gerald 02.06.2024
Have also ordered it for myself. Hope that at least this drug will help me. Am already 64 years old and my health condition leaves much to be desired. Have already read a lot about eliminating inflammation , now I want to try it myself.
Rachel Berrington 02.06.2024
Earth Essence - IS THE BEST REMEDY EVER. When I went to the doctor, he recommended Earth Essence . Already after the first intake Earth Essence helped me well - my daily cough stopped immediately, but I continued to take it as the doctor recommended. After 3 weeks, not only was the daily cough completely gone, but so were my respiratory infections., which had plagued me for 10 years! Feel completely healthy again!
Richard Kindler 03.06.2024
I started to be treated with Earth Essence. It helped me very well. The well-being has improved many times. I recommend it to all older people.
Martha Fulton 04.06.2024
I can only confirm! An excellent drug!!! Received Earth Essence with discount! Had chest tightness every night before, didn't even know what to do. Even painkillers did not help me. Only later I found out that the reason for my chest tightness was COPD. A good friend recommended me to try Earth Essence. I ordered it at a special price and was very happy about it. In just 2 months I was a completely different person! I no longer have chest tightness and I have also lost 20 kg! From 94kg to 74! Simply insane how important a normal lung is!
Helena Reitmeier 04.06.2024
I also agree! A very effective remedy for COPD!
Mary Forman 05.06.2024
I have also tried it and do not regret it. As for problems with the vessels, it is exactly the right thing. There are no side effects at all. Am fully satisfied with the result
Abby Jones 06.06.2024
Thank you for the information about this remedy. Have long time searched for a drug that could help me. Now waiting for the package! Have it still bought at the promotional price! Thank you!
Richard Adderiy 06.06.2024
I had wheezing all the time. After only 10 days I no longer had it! Thank you!
Set Clark 06.06.2024
Thanks for Earth Essence! Helped me indeed. Let's see how it will be in a week. So far everything is good, blood pressure is not increasing anymore. I hope it will be good!
Thomas Weber 06.06.2024
My doctor also recommended Earth Essence. And it really helped me, although I suffered from shortness of breath for 7 years before that. I had already resigned myself to the fact that I had to take pills all the time. After one treatment with "Earth Essence" my breath has completely normalized.
Isabella Dutton 06.06.2024
A unique medicine. I really had swelling everywhere. The ankles, feet or legs. I won't even talk about the it. Had to take so many pills. Had the feeling every morning when I woke up that I was in hell. Then I found out about Earth Essence . After only 3 weeks my health has improved many times over. Thank you very much!
Thomas Bush 07.06.2024
My neighbor used to complain about poor health. Last month, however, was so full of life around. Told me that he also took Earth Essence. Is already 72 years old at that.
Timothy Ellington 08.06.2024
Thank you
Margaret Audley 08.06.2024
People! There are only a few left in stock. You can still make it if you leave a request right now! Powerful lung are the foundation for good health and long life.
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The product is a dietary supplement